Sunday, March 15, 2009

Life as a waiter...

It has been a long time since I posted anything, kind of lost my luster for it. But I am sitting here waiting to head to church for the day, and I thought that a post based on being a waiter could serve some fun/interest for some people.

So here we go....

First off, If you want to know what it is like working in a restaurant, watch the movie "Waiting." It is as close (with some extremes) to seeing what it is like as you can possibly get without working there. It is a bit raunchy, for those who dont want to know what really happen, I suggest you dont watch it.

General Rules

If your waiter looks like he or she is in a hurry, it is because they are. This is mostly on weekend nights, but we appreciate it if you say you are ready to order, you really are. Saying you are then proceeding to look at the menu for 2 minutes is not cool. We could have filled 7 drinks, gotten 8 sides of ranch, a house salad, 3 bowls of soup and napkins for all of our tables during that 2 minutes alone.

Please do not ask your waiter or waitress what we have that is good. Especially at a place like Chilis, we have 487 options to choose from. It is impossible to pull out a food with much authenticity that we think you will like. A better question would be "What is your favorite salad?" "Which burger do you think is the best?" "What are the best tacos?" even something like "I am having a hard time choosing between Ribs and the Cajun Ribeye, do you have a preference?" I guarantee you will get a better, truthful response if you ask specifics. If you dont, we will just tell you something to get. Whether we like it or not.

If by chance you are out to eat, and something happens, and the restaurant gives you a complimentary dessert, or takes off some of your meal, please do not take this out on the waiter. It is courtesy to tip them based on the amount they served you. if you have a $60.00 bill and the manager comps half of it, tip on the $60.00, not the $30.00.

If you are in a group (like 6 or more) and you need the ticket split, please, please, please tell us when you first get there, it will make our lives so much easier. And please be patient while we are running all of your payments, it is vary time consuming.

There are certain things all restaurants have their servers do at every table, we hate them just as much as you do. Please don't get upset at us.

If you piss off your waiter, or are a pain in his or her ass, you automatically get dropped on that persons mental priority list.

Two rules that will be smart to go by no matter where you are, I have never met a server that does not get annoyed by these: 1) When we say hello to you when we first approach the table, please respond, dont just say "Ill have a coke" and 2) In a place where they put down napkin and silverware, DO NOT take the napkin off the table and move it around before we put the silverware down.

If you know you will go through drinks real quickly, ask your server to bring out more than one, it is very appreciated.

Fun things to know

I have never seen anyone, or heard of anyone (cooks included) spitting in anyones food. (despite the most evil thought of doing a lot worse things than that.)

A fun table can make a servers night.

One bad table can ruin a shift as well.

7/10 servers are fake beyond understanding.

If you have issues with your food, let us know, we want you to enjoy your meal, we will get you something you like.

At Chilis, there is not one server who does not want to murder the guest who orders the Bottomless Soup, Salad, and Chips.

If you go to a restaurant frequently, find a server you like, and ask to be in their section, they will hook you up if you find a cool one.

We are servers, not servants.

I heard, a long time ago, that on average, a server walks 5-7 miles in one shift. Take me for example with 4 shifts a week= 6 miles a day, 24 miles a week, 96 miles a month, 1152 miles in a year, 11520 miles a decade, and so on.

If it is too cold in my restaurant, and you ask me to have the heat turned up I will say "No problem, ill let the manager know, it should take just a little bit to warm up." what this means: I walk in the back, get a drink, walk back out and tell you the heat was turned up. 15 minutes later I ask you if it is warm enough for you. (Never in my 1 1/2 years have I had someone say it had not warmed up.)

Ok, and this is it... I think i covered pretty much all my bases hear. If I think of any more, i will add via comment.